Asian Routes Profitable?

Started by MartinaTorres, November 23, 2013, 06:32:18 PM


I am planing to do Bogota-Asia routes with a 48hr round trip once my Boeing 777-ER arrive, should i do this? Would it not be profitable?


It might, given it happens in BW, where fuel is lower than normal, but in full game worlds ULH routes are barely profitable and become loosers the closer the game worlds move towards 2000.
Generally the profit per seat or PAX gets smaller with every mile you move away from home.


You'd be much better off flying to more European airports + Johannesburg, or adding extra flights to some of the ones you already fly.

Some asian airports might be ok options, like Dubai & Tokyo. The really long stuff, like Bangkok, Singapore, Hong Kong, probably won't work as well. But worth trying them anyway, see what happens and see how they compare to the shorter stuff. BW is a good place to experiment with things like that.