Staff salary differences

Started by Lambert_M, May 26, 2013, 08:16:33 AM


Sorry if this has been brought up before, but I couldn´t find any info on these forums.

I am wondering if anyone has ever bothered to look at what salaries are paid by default in different countries? In my Beginner´s World right now, I am based in Norway, so I am paying more or less three times the salaries I was paying when I was based in Brazil, if I remember correctly.

So, if anyone has a list with comparable wages, I would very much like to have a look. Paying high wages hurts your profits, so it´s just another factor to count in when deciding where to base our virtual airlines, I guess. Like zero tax on the Arabian peninsula.


Don't think there is a list unless Sami releases one.
Also don't forget that Brazil has next to no premium traffic, so revenue will be lower than elsewhere.


But profit rate is beautiful. My DOTM China based airline has like 50% profit rate


Good Point! I have not noticed much difference in costs in the various places I have based as I tend to focus on other aspects of the game despite the fact that staff costs can be significant costing overall.


Norway has probably the highest salaries in AWS ;)
Take richest CEO-s table from statistics and see from which countries are top CEO-s... then you'll find some of the countries which have high personnel cost ;)