SPEEDGAME (poll 7 days)

Started by Maarten Otto, February 15, 2010, 11:02:27 AM

Maarten Otto

The Speedgame is an idea for tose of us whishing to play fast games which take half the time of a normal server per game. With game days of 15 minutes (real time) the game would be twice as fast end thus ending sooner than a normal game. The first day would take the usual 24 hours. After that first day the game will speed up to a game-day every 15 minutes.

Game: Air travel boom (to keep it doable for all involved)

Please vote now, and discus about it here.


Sorry, that is not doable (15mins/day). Never been intended to work like that etc.


yah, the shortest I saw was 20min per day and sami no longer does those games let alone the 25min. I think they are a too big of a load on the servers.
Member since July-2007