Note about real airline names & logos - they are NOT allowed.

Started by Sami, August 01, 2009, 08:14:31 AM


A reminder to all members.

You are not allowed to use real world airline names or logos in this game. Nor names that very closely resemble a real world airline. The rules of this are VERY clear on this and are displayed on the page where you create your airline.

Administration has the rights and powers to remove airlines not following these very simple rules (= you have to restart with a fresh airline). And we have decided to start doing so from now on. As despite of having a list of real airline names which are blocked people still do not follow the rules and always do find real company names to use (as the list cannot be fully accurate) or just change one letter in the name to pass the filter (that either not allowed).

So please do take a moment to figure out a clever name for your airline that is not copied from some real (major) airline. It is not that hard. We do not wish to go into the hard process of admin approval in airline names so please follow the guidelines set.

In a nutshell once more: Please read the rules - do not use real airline names or their logos/liveries. This will lose to closure of your airline. The info on this is displayed on every game page where you can modify the name/logo so you cannot miss it.

If in doubt please ask us via PM or at the forum. Thank you.


Administration has closed the following airlines - managers have been first notified and given 2 days time to reply, but no reply has been received so admin has closed down the airlines due to breaking the rules.

ATB #2:
* Eurofly


ATB 2:
Thomas Cook Airlines closed by administration.


Air France Europa
Transdavia Airlines

 closed by administration. Read the rules please!


Scandinavian Airways Systems closed by administration.

airberlin closed by administration.