How much firing staff affects your CI?

Started by gandalfi, September 24, 2009, 04:43:46 PM


I have got rid of an fleet type and becauce of that i have too much employees.
So how much my CI drops if I fire 300 employees? They are causing me a loss of nearly two millions in month!

Should i get rid of them or not?


Just add some campaign, and get rid of them with 20 at a time or so. Your CI will drop, but it will be only 10-15 point or so. (at least, last time I had to do that) The point is that a lower CI for a while, isn't as bad as paying hunderds for doing nothing.

I'm not responsible for any damage to your company, or your CI! ;)


I fired them and my CI dropped about 10 points. But now its in correct because it was raised highly by sami's mistake ;D